Moderator Paper
Rationale: In order to effectively run the debate between your two candidates, you will complete a uniquely formatted paper. Your paper should be approximately 3 FULL – 3 ½ pages in length, typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, and will be formatted EXACTLY as described below. You will include each of the headings shown in your paper.
Opening Remarks: Open your paper by welcoming everyone. Introduce the state in which the debate will take place, explain why we have a need for this meeting, provide any necessary background information on issues they will discuss, and explain any planned deviations from the assigned format of the meeting
Candidate Introduction: Here you will type a short introduction for each candidate. Include their party, current position, and any information relevant to their senate race.
Chosen Debatable Issues: Here you will explain the three issues you and your opponent will debate. Explain the opposing positions at issue.
Issue 1: Completely summarize the first issue you will cover in the debate. Include key facts and figures that will help you formulate your questions.
Issue 1 Question(s): You will need to compose a minimum of 3-4 (total, spread across your three issues) questions to ask the candidates based on the issues you decided to focus on. You will not share your questions with the candidates prior to the debate, but will make sure to notify them of the general topic you will cover in each question.
Issue 1 Question(s) Rationale: Explain your reason for asking each question. You should have a general idea of what each candidate’s answer will be.
Issue 2: Completely summarize the first issue you will cover in the debate. Include key facts and figures that will help you formulate your questions.
Issue 2 Question(s): (See Issue 1 for explanation)
Issue 2 Question(s) Rationale: (See Issue 1 for explanation)
Issue 2: Completely summarize the first issue you will cover in the debate. Include key facts and figures that will help you formulate your questions.
Issue 2 Question(s): (See Issue 1 for explanation)
Issue 2 Question(s) Rationale: (See Issue 1 for explanation)
Closing Statement: Close your paper by stating the procedure you will follow at the end of the debate.
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