Monday, November 15, 2010

How to be a Lobbyist -- Tri-fold Pamphlet Instructions

The Lobbyist’s Handbook
  1. You will work with a partner to create a tri-fold pamphlet to help new lobbyists successfully do their jobs
  2. You will use the information on pp. 313-318 to create your pamphlet.
  3. You will need to choose a cause that is important to you and follow the instructions on the next slide
  4. HINT: Try not to get your potential lobbyists arrested
Tri-Fold Pamphlet Requirements (40 pts)
  1. A cover image and title. Something like: “How To Be A ____________ Lobbyist”. Put your names on this page (“By: Student A and Student B) (5 pts.)
  2. An intro fold which explains your interest group’s goal to the prospective lobbyist. (5 pts.)
  3. Each “center” fold should include:
    1. an explanation of how to successfully use a lobbying strategy to promote your cause.  (3 pts. per fold)
    2. A focus on one strategy (DIRECT, GRASSROOTS, AND INFORMATION).  (1 pt. per fold)
    3. Steps to follow and/or simply pieces of advice. Each fold should be full of information. (4 pts. per fold)
    4. At least 2 references to text per fold. (2 pts. per fold)

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